Booking System Revisions and Updates
Get Your Jab is always being updated with the latest Govt Regulations and Provider Requests

Version 2.0 - Multiple Clinics now available to meet requirement for Moderna
19/09/2021 – Introduces the concept of multiple clinics allowing providers to select dedicated appointment availabilities for Moderna separate to other vaccine brands.

Version 1.2 - Temporary Moderna option added
14/09/2021 – Moderna option added with limited functionality allowing early adopters of the covid vaccine brand to start offering the option via Get Your Jab. It does not allow Moderna to be run as a separate Clinic to AstraZeneca.

Version 1.1 - Blockout Dates added
20/08/2021 – New Providers required an easy and quick way to block out certain timeslots on their calendars. The feature allows a simple drag and drop function on the clinic to be created.

Version 1.0 - Get Your Jab Booking System released
19/09/2021 – Introduces the concept of multiple clinics allowing providers to select dedicated appointment availabilities for Moderna separate to other vaccine brands.